Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I hate being a mom sometimes...

Today started out great (click here for previous post), and then hubby called to tell me that Eva said her tummy hurt and didn't eat her waffle, but brought it to school with her. I said, "Well, she woke me up at 5 am and said she was hungry, so I gave her some grahm crackers and refilled her cup with water" He said, "Well, she didn't eat the crackers and her cup was full." So I figured she was just hungry. So I pick her up from school and the teacher says that she wasn't her usual peppy self and complained of being cold all day. Ding, ding! She must have caught a cold. So we go home and I give her some tylenol and I ask her if she wants to go to ballet and swimming today, that we could stay home if she wasn't up to it. She said she wanted to go and then, SURPRISE! hubby came home really early (3:30) so that I didn't have to bring the trips with. So I'm really exicited, thinking that since there was a half hour between ballet and swimming, we'd go to the kitty shelter and play with the kitties there. After ballet, Eva comes out crying and says, "Mom, I just want to go home and go to bed." Now I KNOW she's sick!! So on the way home, I'm a little bummed out because we didn't get to have a special day, but also because she's not feeling well. Then Eva says to me, "Mom, remember the last time I was sick and you told me that if I couldn't make it to the potty, to throw up in the wastebasket?" "Yes" - Oh My God! Please do not tell me you have to throw up, right here, right now!! "Well, I did that at school today." Huh? No one told me about that!! "Honey, did the teacher or a parent help you?" "No mom, everyone was outside playing and I came in to go potty, but couldn't make it." Oh great! I can't WAIT for school tomorrow! lol
So, why do I hate being a mom? Because Eva is sick and there's NOTHING that I can do to make it go away. I hurt knowing that she doesn't feel well and that no matter what I do, it will bring a smile to her, but she will still feel crummy. How helpless I feel. I wish I could just place my hand on her and say, "Be well" and she would be. (sigh)

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