Thursday, January 6, 2011


Jan 6th, 2011 - Had to take Joey to Children's Hospital today, first in a series of visits with several doctors in order to find out why he's not growing like your "average" child. Joe's been wearing a size 2T for a year now, gaining only 1" in height during the year. On the other hand, his womb mate/brother Eddie, stared last year in a 3T and finished the year wearing a 5T! Even his other womb mate/sister, Ella, went up one size to a 4T! (I think Ella is always going to be "petite", which is why I call her my little fairy) . Anyway, Gerald was able to work from home today, so he could greet Ella and Eddie when they got off the bus and pick up Eva at school, feed her, and get her ready for her Girl Scout event tonight (The Cookie Kick-off Sing Thing). So in a very rare treat, Joey had me all to himself, and boy was he excited about it!
The drive up to Children's Hospital takes almost an hour, and Joey spent the entire time asking me questions, lol. I can't remembed them all, but here's a few of them:
J: What would happen if you stand on a cloud? Me: You would probably fall through
J: Could I take a hot air balloon up to the clouds and touch them? Me: Yes, you probably could
J: Rain comes from the clouds, right? So how does it get there? Me: Clouds are like sponges, sucking up the water droplets that are left on the ground
J: Why does that truck have so many wheels? Me: In case one tire is broken, he can keep driving without having to stop to fix the tire
I love my little man and his questioning mind. I just hope I can keep up with him, lol!

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