Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Trips 1 year appt

The trips had their 1 yr appt. Eddie is now 22 lbs and 30", Ella is
18 lbs and 28", and Joseph is 15 lbs and 27". Joseph did not gain any
weight or height since his 9 mos appt! So the dr recommended a
private therapist group since the therapist with EI is obviously not
working! She also wants Ella to be seen by them since she did gain
weight, but lost 1 lb since her rsv appt a month ago. It's been about
a month that she has refused to eat off a spoon, she keeps her lips
pressed shut but she will eat some table food, but not a lot. she
started waking up at midnight and at 3 and then at 7 again for
bottles and this is not making me happy!! lol Joey, who knows what
his problem is. The prevacid is working, he hardly spits up anymore,
so he's keeping all that he's eating, but I can't get him to eat off
of a spoon w/out a big drama. He's also refusing his food bottle, he
just spits it out. I'm so frustrated, I mean, who knew eating was
soooo hard? And I'm worried about this little guy, I'm so scared that
he's not going to make it and no one is going to know what his
problem is.
And if that's not enough, they all have ear infections in the same
ear as the last two times, so I had to schedule a hearing test and an
ear recheck with the ENT. So I scheduled the hearing test and then I
called the ENT dr (I have his direct # bc of my oldest) and I asked
them if there was anyway I could add on 3 kids to my oldest's appt in
May. She was able to do it, so now he's going to see 4 kids at once!
hee, hee, lucky guy! ka-ching! I think we should be invited to his
summer home!

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